The Temple of Set I Read online

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  function on both its administrative and magical raison d’etre. The lay membership has been able

  to see the various aspects of the Order of Set in motion, such as the Council of Nine and the High

  Priest determining policy change in keeping with the growth of the Æon, as well as observing the

  Recognition - the Coming into Being of a new Master of the Temple, Magister Lynn Norton.

  “Initiates, normally scattered and isolated throughout various parts of the continent, had the

  opportunity to experience, in rituals, the essential, magical core which is, of course,

  communication with the Set-entity. This witnessing should open doorways for them into their

  own magical evolution in terms of personal relationship with the Prince of Darkness.

  “The conclave had a variety of types of experiences, ranging from highly-charged ritual

  atmosphere to fun & laughter and everything in between. It is really too soon to be able to assess

  any but the obvious effects that Set-I will have upon the Temple of Set. Perhaps at this early stage,

  though, it can be summarized by saying: ‘Set, we have gathered your great nobles unto you, and

  we have felt you pass near to us.’”


  The Ipsissimus Has Evolved

  - by Robert H. Moffatt III°

  What is an Ipsissimus? The Collins Latin Gem Dictionary translates it as “His very own self”.

  The ending “-issimus” is grammatically the superlative degree of “ipse”, meaning “self”; or closer

  to Latin thought “he who is himself the most”. There is no concise English equivalent to

  “Ipsissimus”. The Temple of Set, however, has Recognized that Michael A. Aquino is an


  High Priest Ronald K. Barrett hailed this Recognition under the stars on the 30th of June XIV

  as a highlight to the III°+ working at XemSet, and again at the opening of the Set-I Conclave by

  adding to the costume of the Exalted Man a medallion made of a disc of solid gold with a sterling

  silver pentagram prominently overlaid. The beautiful piece was paid for by the Priesthood and

  remains the property of the Temple of Set.

  These events were charged with an indescribable degree of emotion that could not be

  augmented by any amount of fanfare or ceremony.

  The Ipsissimus was obviously deeply touched and at a loss for words to express his emotions at

  the moment. “There are some experiences which cannot be described in words,” he said slowly.

  “This medallion is not only ceremonial. It is not beautiful solely for the metals and craft which

  compose it. It is meaningful because of the knowledge and the love with which the Temple has

  seen fit to bestow it. I will never cease to respect it thus, and after my time has passed, it will be

  returned to the Temple. The very ability of the Temple to Recognize such a degree evidences our

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  evolution since 1975. The work of the Temple has been like the splitting of the atom, the opening

  of a whole sphere of existence, an arrival at intellectual activity on the level of Plato.

  “For myself the degree of Ipsissimus is an initiatory state of being that is very personal. No

  matter what you do, no matter where you go, whom you know, what success or failure you

  experience - that part of yourself you bring out through being, becoming - the thing called

  ‘initiation’ - makes a difference in you, not as an animal but as an intelligence unique in the


  “This is true divinity. The recognition of this makes us a new breed of atomic scientist. But this

  is not like a new scientific discovery. This Æon is alive!”

  Magus Barrett read the new By-Laws providing for the VI° and told of one of his workings

  several months back when he heard Michael Aquino hailed as “the Exalted One, to be cherished -

  a living symbol for us all”.

  Before the medallion presentation and after the High Priest had opened the conclave,

  Ipsissimus Aquino had remarked that: “The changeover of High Priests highlights this conclave.

  What comes out here will be a foundation for the future. John Fowles’ reaction to the cliché ‘No

  man is an island’, was ‘Rubbish! Each man is an island.’ We are like returning comets, gods and

  goddesses, come hence to drink of each other’s universes in more vivid color. Here there are no

  leaders, no followers. Everyone is a star.”

  Ronald K. Barrett’s High Priesthood, which was to continue for the next two years, was one of

  the most intensive, experimental, inspiring, and controversial experiences for the Temple of Set.

  This revolved around two passions of his: the exploration and promulgation of his V° Word Xem

  and the climate of initiatory dedication and advancement within the Temple. He saw the two as

  interrelated, and his own office as High Priest a responsibility to advance them.

  Barrett would later be [and still is] criticized for being intolerant and authoritarian: a High

  Priest who used his office to create and enforce a sort of “initiatory totalitarianism” in contrast to

  the individual-initiative climate characterizing the Temple previously and subsequently. I think

  this misses the mark in two respects. First, his intentions were altruistic and heartfelt; he wished

  nothing but to improve the Temple and the initiatory validity of each Setian. Secondly, the

  Temple was then, as it continues today, very much an experiment-in-progress. At any one

  moment one could not say how the current mix of ideas might work out, and the general practice

  has been to give them their best opportunity for success. So it was with both Barrett and the

  other Setians around him.

  Barrett’s first major policy change was announced in the April 1980 Scroll of Set:

  Lay Member Renewals Now Require Endorsement

  - by Ronald K. Barrett V°, High Priest

  If you are I° or II°, you may have noticed recently an attempt by your III° pyramid officials to

  open communications with you. So that you will better understand why, let’s take a look at the

  Temple of Set communications pyramid and its functions.

  The pyramid came into being as the answer to the question of how the Temple of Set can best

  serve the needs of Initiates both personally and comprehensively. While this does not mean that

  we have [even remotely] adopted a spoon-feeding technique of initiation, it does mean that

  initiatory guidance will be available on a more individual basis to those Initiates who truly apply


  Through the pyramid the I°/II° have direct access to a Priest or Priestess of Set who is willing

  and able to assist them in finding answers to questions about magic, the Temple of Set, etc. The

  Temple will also have a better perspective of the entire membership [even isolated Setians], and

  this will help in making due Recognitions and in assessing the progress and needs of aspiring

  Setians. The design of the pyramid ensures that everyone is heard and informed according to his/

  her initiatory status and ability to understand. And of course the pyramid will necessarily clear out

  the deadwood.

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  The pyramid requires the cooperation and participation of every member of the Temple of Set.

  For a III° to assist or guide any lay Initiate, there must be some communication between the two.

  It must be realized, however, that it is the responsibility of the I°/II° to initiate and then maintain

  this communicat
ion. The Priesthood is quite willing to respond, but no III° is going to waste

  valuable time and effort trying to prod the complacent or apathetic. Those who receive guidance

  from the Priesthood will be those who are actively working toward magical evolution.

  It is assumed that every Setian desires to aspire to the heights of his initiatory potential, or he

  would not be a member of the Temple of Set. Not one of our Setian degrees is Recognized as the

  end of magical evolution, and therefore any sense of “having made it” is false. The end of any

  phase of initiation is merely the beginning of another, thus “creation and change are exalted above

  rest and preservation”.

  If one understands this, one should also understand why inactivity is intolerable in the

  Temple. To allow an individual who has succumbed to the siren of contentment and do-

  nothingness to enter or to remain among us would indicate that the Temple of Set had placed

  emphasis on quantity rather than quality, and that most certainly is not true. Instead it is most

  important to know and understand the above, because the pyramid is now in effect, and with the

  pyramid comes the elimination of any trace of stasis together with the requirement of

  demonstrated effort to evolve.

  This does not mean that all Setians must become gods overnight, or that flags should be waved

  every time a magical insight is had, or that a letter a day keeps an expulsion away. It does mean

  that every Initiate must actively engage in Xeper, and to do so will require some occasional [at

  least] guidance, point of reference, and higher perspective which are available from the


  Keeping in mind that magical/philosophical discussion is filtered as appropriate to each

  degree, it seems only logical that all Setian Initiates should desire Recognition if for no other

  reason than to have access to higher information. As stated above, the desire for personal

  evolution is already assumed through affiliation with the Temple. To make a true Recognition,

  however, the Priesthood must have an ongoing knowledge of the evolutionary progress of the

  individual concerned, and this can occur only through contact whether that contact is through

  letters, Pylon meetings, or private discussions.

  A I° has basically two years to Become and to be Recognized Adept II°. This means that within

  two years the I° must become demonstrably knowledgeable and skilled in the White magical arts.

  If valid reasons or circumstances prevent a I° from accomplishing this, then an extension beyond

  the two-year period may be granted [pending approval of the III° pyramid official], but this will

  be a true exception and not the rule. Again, for Recognition to occur, the Setian I° will have to

  establish an initiatory relationship with his/her pyramid officials.

  A variation on this same principle applies to II°s. Recognition to the III° depends initially

  upon two factors: (1) the individual Adept’s evolutionary quest into the Realm of Darkness, and

  (2) the Gift of Set being given to the magician by Set himself. There is no time-factor imposed

  during which this must occur, however, so a magician can remain II° indefinitely and still remain

  a member of the Temple of Set, so long as that same magician can demonstrate that he/she is

  working toward continuous magical growth and mental evolution ( Xeper). The keys here are will,

  aspiration, and application. Remember that a magician is one who works magic, and if one is not

  working magic, then one is not a magician/Adept. In short, the red medallion is no license to


  Only a Master of the Temple can Recognize that an Adept has “Come Into Being” as a Priest or

  Priestess of Set, but II°s are assigned to III°s (not IV°s) in the pyramid. The only way that an

  Adept can be Recognized to the Priesthood is through the intuitive recommendation of the III°s to

  their own assigned Masters. It only makes sense that if the II° does not communicate what is

  going on inside of him to his III°s, it is highly unlikely that any evolution is going to be noticed.

  Another reason for I°/II°s to keep in touch with the Priesthood and to remain active in their

  efforts to evolve concerns the annual renewal. Let it be emphasized again that the Temple of Set is

  progressive, evolutionary, and antistatic. All Setians who are active-status members of the Temple

  are truly “active-status” or they are not Setian. Everyone who joins the Temple of Set joins it

  100%, and that includes the Temple’s creative and changing motion. Anyone who has joined for

  “kicks”, or for social reasons, or on a whim has joined for the wrong reasons. No one will remain a

  member who does nothing, and if there are any among us who have joined for the wrong reasons,

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  or are doing nothing, the pyramid will very soon remedy that. This is because, with the now

  effective pyramid, the I°/II° will be expected to produce appropriate evidence that they are

  aspiring to Xeper forthrightly, or they will not be permitted to renew their membership. The

  Executive Director has been instructed that, effective immediately, renewals will be accepted from

  I°/II°s only when that renewal has been endorsed by the representative pyramid officials. Special

  slips will be sent to the appropriate officials at the same time that the gold renewal slips are

  mailed to the members whose renewal time is approaching.

  Obviously any official who is asked to endorse a I°/II° is going to want some valid evidence

  that the member is worthy of that endorsement, but it will be the responsibility of the lay member

  to provide that evidence - not the responsibility of the official to “dig it out”.

  Another important point: When an official of the Temple takes the time and effort to sit down

  and write out a letter that requires an answer, it’s safe to say that the letter was not written just

  because someone needed some finger exercises. There is a perfectly good reason for such a letter,

  even though it may not be immediately apparent to the recipient. That being the case, all lay

  members will be expected to respond to correspondence which they receive from Temple officials.

  It’s the courteous, respectful, and responsible thing to do.

  To summarize, let me say that the pyramid is a tool of great precision and utility to the Temple

  of Set and its entire membership. It ensures that every Setian has access to as much initiatory

  guidance as he or she can possibly use. Through its use, the pyramid gives the Temple an accurate

  view of itself so that no strength or weakness goes unnoticed. The pyramid also serves to filter out

  the lazy, the idly curious, the incompetent, and any other kind of deadwood. In this way we may

  look upon each other with a profound pride and respect in knowing that every Setian among us is

  aiding in the forward thrust toward Xem.

  Any questions that there might be regarding the Temple of Set pyramid should be directed to

  your assigned officials, who will be only glad to answer them for you.

  I think the pyramid is a great thing, and I think you’re going to appreciate it too - so “go for it”!

  Xeper ir Xem.

  The “pyramid” to which Barrett refers here had originally been conceived by Executive

  Director William F. Murray as a way of ensuring efficient initiatory dialogue within the Temple.

  The idea was that each Setian would be assigned one contact of a highe
r degree and two or more

  of a lower degree. They would be expected to keep at least occasionally in touch, and to serve as

  “first resources” in cases of questions & answers on Temple matters. Bill’s good intentions and

  meticulous administration of the pyramid notwithstanding, it was not much utilized in an

  atmosphere in which individuals went right on communicating [or not] as the direction and

  mood moved them.

  By tying annual membership renewal to endorsement by one’s pyramid-senior, Barrett

  sought to force it to function as intended, force each junior-contact to do and be able to report

  some personal initiatory progress, and force each senior-contact to devote some attention and

  guidance to juniors. Not an unreasonable or oppressive set of expectations, it seemed; what no

  one anticipated was the lack of response to it in practice, which immediately began to reduce

  membership renewals.

  Also evident in this article, though not generally perceived at the time, was Barrett’s re-

  conceptualization of all of the initiatory degrees as a continuous I°-V° “ladder” up which each

  Setian was expected to climb. Pre- and post-Barrett the I° was considered to be an initial-

  exposure/mutual evaluation degree, the II° a recognition of full suitability as a Setian and

  competence as an adept Black Magician, the III° as a uniquely-occurring metaphysical

  relationship between some Setians and Set, and the IV°+ as specialized variations of the III°.

  Under this original system, it was expected that most Setians attaining the II° would remain

  there indefinitely, with of course limitless opportunity to exercise and extend their “Adeptitude”.

  Barrett saw this as simply too vague; he wanted a more structured measurement of personal

  progress, so he chose to redefine the numbered-degrees accordingly. Such a redefinition was not

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  formally announced as such, nor clearly/uniformly perceived throughout the Temple then or

  later in Barrett’s tenure, and this confusion proved to be at the root of much of the later stress.

  On July 19-22, 1980 the Temple’s Second International Conclave (Set-2) was convoked atop

  the XemSet mountain in northern California. Every bit as productive and popular as its