The Temple of Set I Page 14
predecessor, Set-2 generated several noteworthy articles in the August 1980 Scroll of Set,
reprinted here as Appendix #54. But it was a year later, at the Set-3 Conclave in San Francisco,
that Barrett introduced his new membership and degree policies. As recounted in the July 1981
Scroll of Set:
AlXemical Definition of Setian I° & II° to be Ensured
- by Ronald K. Barrett V°, High Priest
Up to now the qualifications for recognizing a Setian I° to Adept II° have been somewhat
nonspecific. They were primarily based on the Temple’s endorsement of a Setian’s membership by
observing individual motivation as well as through observed “Elect” potential.
In my efforts to guide the Elect to Xem, I have become increasingly aware that the magical
expertise and understanding of several II°s has been insufficient to comprehend/accomplish the
work which lies ahead of us. Awhile back and in response to this awareness, I introduced
“Definition by Degree”, which redefined each of our initiatory degrees as appropriate to Xeper ir
Xem. Response to this was positive, as was response to the reactivation and emphasis on the
Pyramid Project.
Now that these are basically understood and active, it is time to formalize an actual policy to
ensure proper magical initiation and evolution appropriate to the work under the current magical
formula. This new policy is designed to maximize the magical education and skill of each I°
initiate to the peaks of individual potential and ability. This policy (henceforward incorporated
into and called “Definition by Degree”) enforces and ensures the alXemical definition and purpose
of Setian I° and Adept II°.
Setian I°:
The individual holding the I° is one who has entered the Setian Temple of initiation. A Setian
of any Temple degree is an individual who is aspiring to the knowledge of Set and to becoming a
god in his own right, and the I° is at the first stage of this process which is called Xeper ir Xem.
This process, however, will not just “occur”. It must be willed, and the degree of will used will
determine both the rate and extent of this unique evolution. The will of which I write is magical
will, and is not merely wishful thinking, ambition, or even aspiration by themselves. It is a force
of immense power, and its mastery must make of it an exacting science as well as a fine art.
The I° is a phase of initiation during which the Setian must learn magical theory and practice,
must gain a wide spectrum of knowledge and influence in as many areas of his life as possible, and
must become a true master of will. When the Setian has become such a master of the magical will,
he will have an understanding of the Word of the Æon of Horus, which is “Thelema”. He will
embody the principle of “Do What Thou Wilt”, for this is the whole of the law of the I°.
Adept II°:
One who has mastered the magical will is then qualified to be Recognized as Adept: one who is
an expert, a master of an art. A master of a specific art is in a position to apply his skills and
understanding in a multitude of ways including experimentation, invention of new techniques,
exploration etc.; and all because he has the necessary knowledge of/ability to use the principles
A true master is far more than a technician; he is an artist. Anyone can learn to paint-by-
numbers but only a true artist can produce a masterpiece. This is no less true in the magical arts,
and for this reason the Word governing the II° is “Indulgence” - just as it was the Word of the Age
of Satan. Only a master can fully indulge in the whole of whatever art he has mastered, and only
an Adept can fully indulge in the magical arts. Further only those who are able to explore the far
reaches of magic are able to open the Gates to the Dark Realm and to fully master the Black
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Army of Adepts:
The Army of Adepts will be composed of masters of the magical arts (II°s) in the first stages of
guardianship of the Æon of Set and the oncoming Æon of Xem. It is these Adepts who will wield
their skills to protect the new ones who are even now coming into being.
This is not an army in the normal sense of the word, but rather a force of magical beings
united in the purpose of guarding the higher aspects of initiation. None may pass by without
Revised Qualifications for Recognition to II°
- by Ronald K. Barrett V°, High Priest
The new policy: To make a reality of all this, it is necessary to revise the qualifications for
Recognition to II°.
The first new qualification will come through a required reading list. This list is made up of
carefully-selected books which will offer the Initiate a wide variety of magical information. The
information acquired from this list is not only useful but necessary for successful initiation within
the Temple of Set. For this reason and effective immediately, no Recognition of a Setian I° as an
Adept II° will occur prior to the Setian’s having read and digested every book on the list.
In addition to the required reading list, a recommended reading list has also been prepared to
cover a wide range of subjects which either directly or indirectly aids magical initiation. This list is
intended to complement the required list while leaving the I° the option to pursue the varied
subjects according to individual interest and initiative.
Since the recommended list contains no claim to being a complete list covering all subjects of
interest, Setians should feel free to extend their studies beyond the list. If a text not included on
either list is found to be of particular worth, I suggest that the text(s) be brought to the attention
of the entire Temple of Set via the Scroll or through Pyramid officials.
Testing will also become a necessary part of the new II° Recognition process, and will cover
both information that the Setian should gain and practical application of that acquired knowledge.
Here is how the testing and resulting Recognition will work:
When a Setian I° is felt to be adept in the magical arts, an appropriate official will discuss the
matter of administering the test with the I°. If the Setian desires to take the test, it will be
arranged. Testing will not be administered under any circumstances until the entire required
reading list has been studied by the I°.
Under the new policy the I° may also present himself to an appropriate Pyramid official and
ask that the test be administered. The decision on the request will be made by the official.
The written test will be extensive and will include (a) multiple-choice questions, (b) essay
questions, (c) fill-in questions, and (d) essays on various subjects. The test will contain mostly
questions taken from the required reading list, but it will also contain questions taken from books
on the recommended list - at least one question from each book. This will be primarily to
determine the personal initiative of the I° to study/learn beyond just what is required.
Only when the Setian passes the written test will the next part of the test be taken. The second
part of the test will be to determine the Setian’s practical magical abilities, and will include written
construction of at least three different types of ri
tuals and actual performance of no fewer than
two of these rituals in the presence of an evaluating Temple official. The official will judge (a) the
overall effectiveness of the ritual, ( b) the display of magical expertise, and (c) the actual
application of valid magical principles. The written rituals will be submitted prior to performance
of the rituals for evaluation, and so the official will know what to expect.
A fee of $10 will be charged for testing to cover the expense of the paperwork involved and to
cover the cost of the red Pentagram of Set medallion. If the test is failed, the cost of the medallion
will be returned. Copies of the test will be mailed by the Setian to both Pyramid officials for
When the test has been passed, the testing official(s) will make the final decision of
Recognition based on the personal qualities of the Setian, including attitude, initiative, lifestyle,
etc. Following this final evaluation, the Recognition may occur as prescribed in the Temple By-
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The new Adept II° will then be truly qualified to proudly bear the title of Adept, master of the
magical arts, and to wear the red Pentagram medallion as exactly what it symbolizes. The Adept
will also then be ready to begin the next phase of personal initiation.
To be fair, and in order that the II° does not have a double standard, all currently-Recognized
II°s will likewise be expected to undergo this testing process [without fee]. Although this new
program is in effect as of this date, currently-Recognized II°s will be given until the South Solstice
XVI to prepare for testing, which must occur at some time between then and the Vernal Equinox
XVII. Adepts who pass the test will bear a new mark of distinction and honor. Those who do not
pass, or who do not take the test by the deadline date, will be returned to I° status until such time
as they can meet the qualifications prescribed in this new policy.
Testing already Recognized II°s is also necessary because of the next part of the new policy,
which involves the Pyramid Project.
Immediately after Vernal Equinox XVII, the Executive Director will release a new Pyramid
roster which will assign II°s as magical advisors to I°s. This advisory capacity is only for the sake
of assisting I° Initiates to become adept in magic, and carries no official Temple of Set authority. It
does, however, give an opportunity for II°s to assume some degree of responsibility, and to
exercise the full scope of their knowledge. From this perspective it now becomes quite feasible for
II°s to form and lead Pylons [as prescribed in the Ruby Tablet of Set] if a II° desires to do so.
If a II° magical advisor feels one of his assigned I°s has become qualified for possible II°
Recognition, the II° should bring the Setian to the attention of the appropriate official, who will in
turn determine whether or not to administer the testing process. Magical advisors might also be
consulted by the Pyramid officials in making annual renewal evaluations of I°s.
Consider with me now the caliber of magical Initiates that shall result from this new policy,
tough as it is. We can easily predict a new measure of strength rising into the Elect of Set which
will benefit us all in our work to Xeper ir Xem. Magical evolution is the fundamental process
through which Xeper can occur. We shall behold upon the path to Xem magicians whose beings
are magical - not merely beings who do rituals. Of such beings are the seeds of the gods to come.
Listen. Listen very closely, and you can hear them breathing all around you.
In theory there was something to be said for Barrett’s new approach to II° Recognition. He
was concerned that [at least some] Setians I° were being Recognized as Adepts II° without really
becoming knowledgeable in and accomplished in the application of magic. By instituting a
literary study curriculum (Appendix #57) and requiring the passing of a written test based upon
it, he thought to solve this problem. But complications and confusion soon arose. Many of the
required [and recommended] books were expensive and/or unavailable. The books were not
mutually-supportive and, with few exceptions, were not designed as instructional textbooks.
Some were scientific and carefully-argued; others were speculative and occasionally incoherent.
Hence a Setian I°, even if managing to acquire the required books, was at something of a loss
as to what he was expected to glean from them, much less to apply it. Existing Adepts or Priests
would not be of much help here, since none of them had been subjected to this new curriculum
or passed a test based upon it.
Barrett’s solution to these impediments was characteristically methodical: He would grade all
of the tests himself, and he would require existing Adepts II° to take the test as well. If they failed
it, they would be returned to Iůntil they passed it.
Over the next eight months no one passed the test. On 3/8/1982 a frustrated Barrett wrote to
the Priesthood:
There seems to be some confusion within the Priesthood regarding the test, and so I would
like to take some time to clear up the confusion so that we can get back to the reason for its
existence, i.e. magical initiation.
At the Set-3 Conclave I formally announced that the infamous [now] test was to be regarded as
policy for Recognizing a Setian as II°. O.K., that seemed to be understood by all present and then
later by all recipients of the Scroll. So well received was the new policy that the Priesthood III°
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committed itself [in front of the entire membership attending] to taking it also, by saying that it
would need to be proficient in the same knowledge that it requires for Setian Adepts.
So I worked and worked for four months putting together a magical test that would be the
envy of every magical order/coven/society/system of the 20th Century CE. I carried the damned
thing to my job, read and thought and took notes everywhere - all the while trying to cover as
much significant & comprehensive ground as was reasonable and necessary. By All Hallow’s it was
all but done and, then out it went for circulation to the Priesthood.
Now I was hot to get it out because I wanted the Priesthood to have time to take it and be
finished with it before the Adepts’ tests started coming in for evaluation around Vernal Equinox of
this year. Then it occurred to me that your own tests, evaluated and commented upon by me,
when returned would be an excellent guide for you to use in evaluating the tests over which you
would be officiating. Then the Magick - Not Without Tears began to rain on the test. It is now less
than three weeks until Equinox and not one III° has sent in the test for evaluation. This is in spite
of the fact that you have had it since November 1981.
And then the real confusion set it in a tizzy. Everyone (except a few concerned II°s) forgot that
testing was to occur between the South Solstice 1981 and the Vernal Equinox 1982, which is the
deadline for already-Recognized Adepts. That deadline means that the test must be in our hands
and completed for evaluation. Per my instructions that went out with the test, the allotted time for
taking the test is 90 days, and 90 days before the Vernal Equinox is the South Solstice!
So why is it that some II°s have only recently received their tests, while others still d
o not have
them? Granted I am partly at fault for not mapping out the exact procedure of whether the Adepts
should ask for the test or whether it should just be sent to them. My intention was that it just be
sent in time for them to start on the Solstice, and the confusion over this was only made known to
me ten days ago. So why didn’t someone ask?
Anyway what it boils down to is that you were evidently waiting for them, and they were
waiting on you; and now I am stuck resolving the problem. So here is how I am going to resolve
the entire problem:
(1) Except in very unique instances (such as I have already been met with), the deadline
still holds. Any II° who was too unconcerned to ask for the test or at least to question
you and who now does not have enough time to complete the test, must send in what
he has completed. No special allowance will be made in evaluation, and if someone
fails, he will be reduced to Setian I°.
(2) All III°s who have II°s will instruct them to send their tests directly to me,
postmarked no later than midnight 3/20/82. I will personally evaluate each test and
then return it to the III° official who issued the test for either continued testing or for
reduction to I°.
(3) Since we all agreed that the test was such a good idea [and it is], and since we agreed
that all members of the Priesthood should be able to discuss the information therein,
i.e. have knowledge of White Magic, magical symbolism, and magically-related
subjects, I am now issuing the directive that all members of the Priesthood III° must
complete and pass the test by 4/15/82. Failure to comply with this directive will be in
direct violation of §5.01 of the Temple of Set By-Laws. While it may seem like Anubis
is being unnecessarily rigid about this, remember that I have a rather awesome
responsibility to guide the Elect to Xem. Neither Set nor I take it lightly (no pun), so
if it is getting too tough, maybe it’s time to reconsider your priorities and Path. If a
written test is too much for you, I can guarantee you'll never accomplish the Great
Work. Q.E.D.
On that happy note, I will close for now, but with the promise that you will soon be hearing
from me again with - you guessed it - a brand new policy. And yes, I do other things than sit